
Monday Mar 30, 2015
Episode 36: Laura Morelli/Authentic Arts
Monday Mar 30, 2015
Monday Mar 30, 2015
The last thing you want when you go to Florence is to get ripped off. Sure there are plenty of authentic artisans practicing and perfecting old world technics that produce art and crafts that are of the highest quality. But don't kid yourself, for every "original" piece of art you find there two more like it that are fake and probably made is China, not Florence.
In this edition of the Total Tuscany Podcast, we talk to Laura Morelli. She has just released here second book in her Authentic Arts series. "Florence, A Travel Guide to Fabrics, Frames, Leather Goods, Maiolica, Paper, Woodcrafts, & more."
Laura is here to help! This guide is like one we have never seen before. Most guides tell you where to go, where to eat and maybe some off the beaten path shop the writer had a good experience at while visiting. Luara digs in deep with boots on the ground using her vast knowledge and experience in Italy to provide you the information you need to make an informed purchase. The great news about this book, there is also a companion guide that comes with your purchase in the form of an e-book. This companion guide is going to be continually updated by Laura and will tell you where to buy authentic goods.
We could go on-and-on about Laura and why you should buy her book. But don't take our words for it, listen to Laura on the podcast and decide for yourself. The last thing you want to do on a trip of a lifetime is to get ripped off!
Like what you hear? Make sure to ready more of Laura's works by picking up copies of here "Made In..." series and her award winning art-historical fiction novel, "The Gondola Maker."
We would like to hear your feedback, leave your comments below. Tell us what you like, don't like or something you would to know more about.