
Sunday Sep 11, 2022
Episode 86: Pushing Boundaries with Art
Sunday Sep 11, 2022
Sunday Sep 11, 2022
Our good friend Helen Farrell is back on the Total Tuscany Podcast. Helen will join us monthly to talk about the latest edition of the Florentine Magazine. It's an English publication dedicated to all things Florence and Tuscany.
There is a work of art that is pushing boundaries in Florence. A modern sculpture and contemporary art piece by Emanuele Giannelli is called "Mr. Arbitrium." The daily crowds marvel at its size and ponder its meaning which is up for interpretation like all great works of art should be.
Helen gives us her thoughts on the sculpture and other good nuggets of information from this month's magazine.
About The Florentine
The Florentine is published 11 times a year. There are over a thousand subscribers worldwide and a circulation of 10 thousand copies per month. You can find the magazine for free at over 150 locations in Florence.

Saturday Jul 30, 2022
Episode 85: A Tourist Tax in Florence?
Saturday Jul 30, 2022
Saturday Jul 30, 2022
What a summer in Florence! Ungodly heat, a government in shambles, and the tourists have returned in the full flock!
The streets of Florence are jammed packed, and business seems to be booming again for those who suffered so much during the COVID-19 pandemic.
While flipping through Instagram a couple of weeks ago, we came upon a post from the Florentine that floated the idea of a tourist tax in Florence based on a similar concept in Florence. Of course, the first thought out of our mouths was, what! You must be kidding.
Our second thought was to reach out to our friend Helen Farrell, Editor-in-Chief of the Florentine. After all, it was the Florentine that floated the idea.
Helen graciously agreed to join us for this episode, and we are so glad she did! We catch on to everything that is going on in Tuscany and look ahead to what is coming up in the coming months!
About the Florentine:
The Florentine is published 11 times a year. There are over a thousand subscribers worldwide and a circulation of 10 thousand copies per month. You can find the magazine for free at over 150 locations in Florence.

Sunday Jul 24, 2022
Episode 84: Italian America Magazine
Sunday Jul 24, 2022
Sunday Jul 24, 2022
Andrew Cotto has worn many hats in his career. Teacher, novelist, freelance writer. He’s written about his love for Italian food and travel in magazines for years. You are never too old to reinvent yourself, right?
Cotto is making his third appearance on the Total Tuscany Podcast. In previous episodes, he discussed his novels. Cucina Tipica, An Italian Adventure, and Pasta Mike.
This time, he talks about his new job, Editor-in-Chief for Italian America Magazine. Don’t get us wrong, Andrew is not done writing. In fact, his byline is all over his first issue in his new role. But he has taken a magazine that has been around for years and gave it a more appealing look. Not so much a rebrand but a much-needed refresh. You could say the magazine has taken on some of…or a lot of Andrew’s personality.
Italian America magazine is a full-color quarterly in English. It is the official publication of the Order Sons and Daughters of Italy in America®, the nation’s largest and oldest organization for men and women of Italian heritage in the United States. According to the Organization, the magazine is the most widely read quarterly for people of Italian heritage in the United States.
Andrew is trying to grow the magazine outside just Italian heritage. You don’t have to be Italian to enjoy all things about Italy. It’s probably why you are listening to this podcast. The country and the culture are so appealing to many of us who don’t have family that comes from the old country. We can be Italian without actually being Italian.
Traveling to Tuscany or other parts of Italy can be intimidating! Where to start? Who to trust?
You deserve to travel stress-free! How do you do that? Start with us at Total Tuscany.
We partner with some of the best travel planners based in Italy. We give you that peace of mind knowing you are covered and taken care of before you leave, once you arrive, and when you get back home. If you are interested in working with us, email total Tuscany at Gmail dot com.
Make sure to follow The Total Tuscany Podcast on whatever platform you listen on. This way, you know right away when a new episode is out. If you have time, give us a five-star rating and write a review, we love to see your feedback.
Follow Total Tuscany on Social Media. Just search Total Tuscany on:

Sunday Jul 17, 2022
Episode 83: It’s Time for Wine School!
Sunday Jul 17, 2022
Sunday Jul 17, 2022
You are never too old to go back to school. Now with online learning, it’s easier than ever. What if we could tell you can start your journey to becoming an Italian wine expert from the comfort of your own home? You can because the Commonwealth Wine School makes dreams come true.
Located in the heart of Harvard Square in Cambridge, Massachusetts, Commonwealth Wine School is dedicated to providing you with the best in wine, spirits, and sake education. Whether you are a beginner, connoisseur, or industry professional, their dedicated and knowledgeable instructors share their expertise and passion for providing you with a fun and engaging experience. Classes are in-person and online.
Jo-Ann Ross is the resident Italian wine expert for the Commonwealth Wine School. She’s our guest on this edition of the Total Tuscany Podcast. In addition to the courses she will teach, Jo-Ann tells us how her love affair with wine started and how it has taken her worldwide!
Her credentials speak for themselves. Jo-Ann holds Certified Wine Specialist and Certified Spirits Specialist credentials from the Society of Wine Educators. Jo-Ann proudly brought Wine Scholar Guild’s Italian Wine Scholar™ and French Wine Scholar™ programs to Massachusetts. Various wine regions, such as Bordeaux, Napa Valley, Languedoc, and Rhone Valley, have partnered with Jo-Ann to provide educational programs for staff and customers of retail stores and restaurants. An avid traveler to wine destinations, Jo-Ann always brings this firsthand appreciation of a region’s wines to her multi-sensory presentations. With over 30 years of professional speaking experience, she delights wine industry professionals, as well as corporate and private audiences at numerous venues. One of her lifelong goals is to visit all 20 of Italy’s regions; she’s been to 15!
We will be in the online classroom in October, we hope you will join us!
Make sure to follow The Total Tuscany Podcast on whatever platform you listen on. This way, you know right away when a new episode is out. If you have time, give us a five-star rating and write a review, we love to see your feedback.
Follow Total Tuscany on Social Media. Just search Total Tuscany on:
Italy is open for business! Not only do we podcast about Tuscany, but we can also help you get there. We partner with some of the best travel planners based in the region. We give you that peace of mind knowing you have someone in the United States you can talk to before you leave to ensure you have boots on the ground when you arrive. If you are interested in working with us, email totaltuscany@gmal.com.

Monday May 30, 2022
Total Tuscany Episode 82: Italy’s Finest
Monday May 30, 2022
Monday May 30, 2022
Italy attracts all kinds of travelers. Those who visit on a fixed budget. Those who vacation and spare no expense. And those who fall somewhere in the middle.
Imagine if you will that you have unlimited funds and you could do and buy whatever you want in Tuscany. Sounds like a dream, right? As you are about to hear in this edition of the Total Tuscany Podcast, dreams do come true!
The dream maker is Filippo Gargani, owner of Italy’s Finest and Tuscan Villas. Italy’s Finest is a 20 years old boutique DMC, event planner, and travel designer strategically based in Florence, Italy. From gender reveal celebrations to corporate retreats, Filippo and his team have planned some of the most extraordinary events.
In addition to event and travel planning, Filippo also operates TuscanVillas.com. If you are a regular listener to the Total Tuscany Podcast, you know that we are proponents of renting a villa and enjoying all the Tuscan countryside has to offer. Villas are once again in high demand and if you want one you are going to have to wait. 2023 is the earliest you can grab one and those are filling up fast!
Please give this podcast a “like” and share it on your social media channels. If you have time, please write a review. The more engagement we have the more people will hear the stories we are telling.
If there is someone you would like us to interview or a place in Tuscany you want us to checkout, send us an email at, TotalTuscany@gmail.com.
Please like our Facebook and Instagram pages and follow us on Twitter and Tik-tok.

Sunday Feb 06, 2022
Total Tuscany Episode 81: Getting Your Italian Citizenship
Sunday Feb 06, 2022
Sunday Feb 06, 2022
As human beings, it’s only natural to be curious about where we came from. The United States is a nation of immigrants as people from different countries and cultures founded the nation. In fact, Between 1882 and 1954, an estimated 12-million immigrants went through the immigration portal at Ellis Island.
According to the Library of Congress, more than four million Italians immigrated to the United States by the 1920s. Are you ready for this? That represented more than 10-percent of the foreign-born population in the United States at the time.
Unfortunately, a lot of family connections were lost in the moving process over time. Names changed to sound more American. Families separated far and wide across the country to make a better life for themselves and live the American dream. As a result, a connection to family and culture was not as prevalent in the states as in the homeland.
Thanks to DNA tests like 23 & Me and services like Ancestry.com, it’s easier to pinpoint our heritage and trace our family tree back hundreds of years.
Nick Gibilisco wanted to take it a step further. Not only did he want to know more about his ancestors and where they come from (more so than stories passed down by his father and grandfather), he wants fully connect by becoming an Italian citizen. Not just for him, but his three children as well.
The process was long, tedious, and sometimes frustrating. However, today Nick holds dual citizenship in the United States and Italy and has his Italian passport. What he learned along the way gives him a renewed sense of pride about his heritage and a closer connection to his family going back several generations in Carlentini, Sicily.
As Nick was going through getting his Italian citizenship, he met others who wanted to do the same things. He helped them. And then he helped another, and another, and another. Nick didn’t take long to figure out he provides a unique service, so he started a company. In true Italian fashion, it’s called, I know A Guy: Citizenship and Geneology Research.
After listening to this podcast episode, you too will know a guy who can help you down the path of dual citizenship or find out if you even qualify.
NIck does not have a website, but he does have Facebook Page and Instagram Page, and you can email him directly to find out more about his services and the processes involved, iknowaguy@gibilisco.org.
Please give this podcast a like on whatever service you are listening to and if you have time, write a review. Also, you can help us out by sharing this episode with a friend. The pandemic has given us a lot of time to think about our past and future. You might know someone ready to take a leap of faith and move back “home,” so to speak, to try a different life, much like our ancestors did over 100-years ago.

Saturday Nov 13, 2021
Total Tuscany Episode 80: Pasta Mike
Saturday Nov 13, 2021
Saturday Nov 13, 2021
Italy can be therapeutic. People from all walks of life flock to Italy for all sorts of reasons. We've never met a person who left the country and didn't say to themselves, wow! That's the way life should be.
Andrew Cotto recently returned from Italy, where he was on a three-week "work" trip drumming up stories. Andrew is a fantastic journalist; one of his stories from this trip will be coming out in Italy Magazine. He will be pitching several more articles to other travel sites and publications.
In addition to his travel writing, Andrew has a new book out. Pasta Mike, a story of friendship and loss. Losing your best friend is not easy. In our conversation on this podcast, you can hear in Andrew's voice the pain he's still going through.
Friendship never dies, and Pasta Mike is a reminder of how important it is to have people in your life who you love, trust, depend on, and yes, even say goodbye to even if you aren't ready to.
Please take the time to give this podcast a "like," share it with friends, and follow us on your favorite podcast platform, so you know when new episodes are released. Click the social media icons below and or search Total Tuscany and join our community.

Sunday Oct 17, 2021
Episode 79: Discovering Sicily
Sunday Oct 17, 2021
Sunday Oct 17, 2021
Italy is open for business.
The Covid-19 pandemic of the last year and a half has crushed travel and tourism in Italy. We've shared the stories of hardship on previous podcasts.
There is hope on the horizon. Slowly but surely, people are returning, including the co-publisher of Total Tuscany, Pat Campagna. Pat recently spent close to a week and a half exploring his family roots. The name Campagna is a dead giveaway that he's Italian. But not from the mainland. On this trip, Pat skips out on Tuscany and enjoys the island life of Sicily.
In this episode of the Total Tuscany Podcast, Pat is the guest on his own show. We go in deep on what it's like to travel with current Covid restrictions and testing. What's the difference between Sicily and Tuscany? Where there are several, but there are also similarities.
Can we ask a favor of you? Please like this podcast and give it a review? Your reviews help more people who want to travel to Tuscany and Italy find us. If you haven't done so already, follow Total Tuscany on social media. We are on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and even Tik-Tok.
If you have travel questions or need assistance booking a tour or tour guides in Tuscany, email us, totaltuscany@gmail.com.

Sunday Feb 14, 2021
Episode 78: Rediscover San Gimignano
Sunday Feb 14, 2021
Sunday Feb 14, 2021
On this edition of the Total Tuscany podcast, we invite you to rediscover one of the most popular travel destinations in the region, San Gimignano.

Saturday Jan 23, 2021
Episode 77: Too Good To Be True? The 1-Euro Home In Italy!
Saturday Jan 23, 2021
Saturday Jan 23, 2021
If you believe all the news stories and headlines, buying a house for as low as 1-euro in Italy is simple. But is it?
We have been doing this podcast for several years now. We travel to Italy (when there’s not a pandemic) yearly. I would say it’s our goal to have a home or an apartment in Tuscany someday.
But where do you start? Who do you turn to? Well, our guest on this edition of the Total Tuscany Podcast knows a thing or two about purchases homes and real estate in Italy.
Chris Sobolev operates the website Super Savvy Travelers with her husband, Chris.
They fell in love with Italy a couple of years ago, started buying property, and now it’s their mission to people like you and me do the same.
Property in Tuscany is SUPER expensive. That’s not a surprise as Tuscany is the most popular region in Italy. Chris and Pete and settled in by the sea in Calabria. It’s cheap, beautiful, and provides easy access to other parts of Europe, Africa, and the Middle East.
You find or interview with Chris both enlightening and educational. After listening to it, you might be ready to start the process of making your dreams of an Italian home come true!